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Engineering Education In India: Past, Present & Future

Engineering Education In India: Past, Present & Future

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Samir Kumar Saha

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Science and Technology tradition of India is very old. However, it is still amongst one of the low ranking countries as far as science and technology output is concerned except in few areas. Best of Indian stuents go for engineering education. But is it leading us to industrial and technological development? The present book takes up Engineering Education in India in totality-from evolution, to the present status and future aspirations. Even with a massive expansion and many regulatory bodies, is the quality at par with other countries in the world? The book, in its thirteen chapters analyses this. Starting from the origin, the university technial education system, the IIT system, the NIT system and the corresponding reports have been put together. Study have been made regarding the polytechnic system, curriculum, accreditation and private financing in engineering education. There are recommendations for future. The book will be useful to education planners, historians, policy makers, teachers, administrators and researchers in India and abroad to understand the trajectory of Engineering Education in India.


Publication Sahitya Samsad [] Find more information below

  • Author

    Samir Kumar Saha

  • Publisher

    Sahitya Samsad

  • ISBN


  • Other Details

    362 Pages. Hardback, Jacket.

  • Category

    Non-fiction, History.

  • Tag

    Engineering Education In India: Past, Present & Future 

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