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Caught Between Two Cultures: Science In Nineteenth Century Bengal

Caught Between Two Cultures: Science In Nineteenth Century Bengal

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₹160.00Sale Price

Ashish Lahiri

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Ashish Lahiri, historian of science, explores JD Bernal's contention that science in colonial India lacked a 'comprehensive critical tradition' and an 'internal security', and follows the punctuated evolution of a scientific spirit that sought to bridge 'the two cultures' in nineteenth century Bengal, documenting how Radhanath Sikdar, Vidyasagar, Akshay Kumar Dutta, Bhudev Mukhopadhyay, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Prafulla Chandra Ray and Rabindranath Tagore contributed to the project, and how organized religion intervened to drive 'the two cultures' apart.


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    আশিস লাহিড়ী

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    152 Pages. Paperback.

  • Category

    বিজ্ঞান, ইতিহাস

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    Caught Between Two Cultures

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